DesignCities: Montréal
Montréal, Québec, Canada — May 8–13, 2011
![DesignCities: Montréal](
- Montréal Catalogue by Gail Swanlund and Denise Gonzales Crisp
- Overview: The Structural Model of the Graphic City: Recursive Exegesis: 'The Graphic-Code[1] and the Metro-Polis' from Wikipedia's entry of Freud's 'The Ego and the Id [2] by Joshua Singer'
- Faster/Higher/Stronger/Citius/Altius/Fortuis) by Tim Vyner
- Souvenirs of Montréal by DesignInquiry
- Design and Multi-modal Urban Transportation by Jennifer Nichols
- Root Maps: Spatial Stories in the City of Design by Alice Jarry, He Li, Jennifer Nichols, and Joshua Singer
- Instructions for the Design of a City by J. Cavelli
- Oly/position 2025 by Stuart Henley
- Seven Photographs of Expo by Anne Galperin
- Ad hoc Co-design: The Micro-Foodscape by Josh Davidson
- One week in May 2011 by Katrina Cutler-Lake
- Shadow Spaces in a Design City by Bobby Campbell
- More than Human by Cecelia Chen
- Design City by Margo Halverson
- Cities of Myth, Nostalgia and the End: Visions of Urbanity by Bobby Campbell
In 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada was designated by UNESCO as the first and only North American City Of Design. From the cultural legacy of Expo 67 and the 1976 Olympics, to numerous examples of contemporary creative work including art, fashion, performing arts and architecture, Montréal is clearly a creative hotspot. Its languages, its prejudices, its line-ups, la mode: all of these elements inform Montréal’s global disposition and local temperament. So, are design qualities somehow inherent in Montréal’s topographies, its citizens, its outputs? What makes a “City of Design” more relevant or significant than any other similarly vaunted location? Are these qualities designed by designers or do they evolve out of the way people use the city? Can we identify the characteristics of the dialog between the city and its users? (Can we emphasize the dialog by adding something or taking something away?)
The notion that design practice, and the presence of designers, can alter the trajectory of a city for the better is an assumption that beseeches exploration and testing. Meeting Montréal’s flora and fauna—getting used to its habits and communicating with its inhabitants—was at the core of DesignInquiry-slash-Montréal. We were there as designers, exploring this design town.